Springs of Cambridge HOA Minutes April 2021
Springs of Cambridge HOA Minutes February 2021
Cambridge Annual Meeting Minutes (November 17, 2020)
Springs of Cambridge HOA Annual Meeting Minutes
Meeting 11/17/2020 via Zoom
Time called to meeting 6:30
Attendees: Dana Stout Cory Collins
Wade Etheredge Pat Carlini
Marvin Brown Kathryn Montgomery
Keith Matthews Nick Weybright
List of homeowners attendance filed separately
- Call To Order – Dana; 6:30. Marvin introduced Board members
- Review and approval of 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes
- Approved by Board
- Treasurer’s Report & 2021 Budget, Wade Etheredge
- Review of budget and reserves; big line items; upcoming maintenance
- Committee Reports
- Architectural Control Updates, Nick Weybright
- Provided general timeframe for return of architectural requests approvals
- Suggestion provide for adjacent neighbor signature obtained on the requests
- Reviewed paint approval process
- Landscape Updates, Cory Collins
- Confirmed PJE contract approvals
- Reviewed snow removal plan/process
- Park Updates, Marvin Brown
- Reviewed the inquiries from homeowners regarding park testing activities
- Confirmed back section of the park cannot be developed for recreational
- Confirmed approval from residents will be required prior to any changes
- Social Activities Updates, Pat Carlini, Keith Matthews
- Keith reviewed concerts and food trucks; asked for resident feedback
- Pat reviewed the normal events held; Easter in park, 4th of July parade
- Oktoberfest. All low budget items
- Santa in the park cannot be held due to COVID-19 however may coordinate a drive by with Santa
- Election of Directors, Marvin Brown
Reviewed process
- Open Discussion
- Inquires from resident attendees were submitted to chat box and read to Board members:
- Nature trail cleanup and maintenance, Keith Matthews:
Greg Quick and Andrea James verbally volunteered and felt they can find more volunteers
- Section 12, Marvin Brown:
Was not on agenda however Board felt it was important to review. Marvin read summary of minutes gathered from 10/28 Board meeting with Rob Bussell in attendance.
- Adjournment, 7:08
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - September 2020
Springs of Cambridge HOA Minutes
Meeting 9/24/2020
Time called to meeting 6:10
- Dana Stout
- Wade Etheredge
- Marvin Brown
- Pat Carlini
- Cory Collins
- Nick Weybright
- Kathryn Montgomery
Previous meeting minutes from 8/25/2020 approved by members in attendence
Park Project
- Some members of the community expressed concerns regarding work being done for soil testing and the intended purpose of any improvements to be made in the park. Board agreed and email with further communication should help with concerns.
- Waiting for final report regarding potential options for park improvements. Once received, a vote from neighborhood will be conducted prior to ant final decisions.
- Previous financials were reviewed and approved.
- Reserves were not/have not been collected for any private roads located within the community. ie; Geist View, Cambridge Cove Way, Geist Cove. Agreed that communication from Dana and Wade should be sent to affected homeowners alerting them to the need of reserves for private road maintenance. Confirmation of communication is pending.
- Radar sign replacement and installation was completed
- Park signs and posts are still in process. Dana confirmed which stop signs need attention
Social Committee items
- Email communication sent to identified volunteers from Dana and Pat for commitment to be part of the Social Committee
- Once volunteers are identified, committee will hold their own meetings and Pat will provide the board with updates
- Committee needs to elect a Chairperson to streamline communication
- Christmas with Santa sleigh is in jeopardy of not being held. volunteers, contractors, etc have to be identified and committed ASAP. Board agreed to try and gather the volunteers needed to still hold the event.
Homeowner violations update
- A few remaining violations still being addressed with further action being taken
Land development; Section 12
- Board reviewed list of items for discussion with Bob Russell (see attached addendum)
- Confirmed Rob Bussell will attend next board meeting to address list.
- It was suggested a review and update of current bylaws need to be performed to further include consistency with home, lot, signage, etc. Board members requested and example of bylaws from similar communities to identify areas for updates
- Parking for docks located on Geist View still a major concern. Suggestions are needed and input from lot owners most affected with the impending traffic congestion
Annual Meeting, 11/17/2020
- Dana contacted IYC for venue space. Need to confirm venue’s requirements for attendance (RSVP? Limit on attendance? Social distancing room setup?, etc)
- Board suggested Zoom call for the meeting due to ongoing COVID 19 concerns and health and safety of attendees
Cambridge Section 12, new land development
HOA list of Questions for the Developer
- Funding and reserve fees (amount tbd) for new private roads to be collected at lot closing (including if purchased by builder)
- HOA fees collected at time of closing (including if purchased by builder)
- Entrance monument signage, street signs, post lights, mailboxes, etc to match current subdivision items
- Landscaping, earthen berm to match current landscaping on Olio Rd
- No perimeter fencing
- Proposal for additional docks and parking solutions
- Confirmation of number of lots, type of dwellings, average lot price and size
- Updated documents regarding design requirements to be distributed
- Construction entrance plans
- 75% of development completion before road connections are made
- ETA of completion
- Number of homes built per year
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - July 2020
Springs of Cambridge HOA Minutes Meeting 7/28/2020
Dana Stout
Wade Etheredge Marvin Brown
Keith Matthews
Cory Collins
Nick Weybright Kathryn Montgomery
Green Space Utilization
o Soil compaction test requested
o Communication to residents to be determined upon completion and receipt of soil test
o Under budget with landscaping expenses
o Under budget overall
o Net savings actions; flow to end of the year or reallocate?
- Dana confirmed new process in place to ensure HOA fees are consistently collected for lot closings and final construction closing.
- Social Committee items: (Pat not in attendance; updates not available)
o 4 volunteers need to be identified. Pat will provide names. Dana has contact card of
those residents previously suggested for committee.
o Committee will hold their own meetings and Pat will provide the board with updates. o Events suggested upon budget provided by Wade:
- ▪ Oktoberfest
- ▪ Christmas with Santa and Sleigh
Homeowner violations update:
o Dana to provide updated list of light pole violations
o Motion was approved to have trash pickup service suspended for property with
outstanding HOA fees. Attorneys to provide update on actions taken per
correspondence sent to property owner/s.
o First notice letters sent to violations of trailers parked in driveways o Geist Patrol reported cars not parking correctly/legally on streets
Land development off Olio/IMI:
o Need to confirm how land will be developed; part of Cambridge or separate. Dana
believes the current documents will allow development to be added to Cambridge o Dana is meeting with Rob Bussell (8/1) to discuss plan of lots, size of lots and entire
development, private roads. HOA feels Rob to be responsible for new signage, entrance to new section and entrance monuments. HOA also feels the new section should have its own entrance and street for construction.
o Missing minutes from 2019 and ytd 05/2020. Dana will provide 2018 minutes. It was
suggested that previous board member may have access to 2019 minutes.
o Architecture approvals need to be inspected once work is completed. Nick Weybright
volunteered to perform inspections.
Speeding issues:
Geist Patrol actively monitoring speeding; however, they are not the proper ticketing authority.
HOA has agreed to enlist/hire Fishers PD intermittently to monitor speeding.
Keith to alert Geist Patrol that Fishers PD will be patrolling.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - February 2020
POA Board of Directors Meeting
February 26, 2020, 6:00pm
Home of Stephanie McAllister
Present: Dana Stout, Wade Etheredge, Marvin Brown, Pat Carlini-Miller, Keith Mathews
Nothing new to discuss.
Marvin Brown motioned to change POA attorney to EMP. EMP’s rates are much more competitive than the current attorney.
Stephanie McAllister second.
All present in favor. Motion passed.
Republic Services
Contract has been re-negotiated for a new three year period. Republic dropped the fee from 12.85/home to $11.00/home. No increases for the first two years and a 4% increase at the third year.
Radar Sign at Kingston and Springstone is being shipped to the manufacturer for repair. It is estimated to cost around $1,500.00. It will be reinstalled by Kirkpatrick.
Pat and Stephanie will be holding a meeting with everyone who expressed interest in forming a social committee. The committee will encompass Octoberfest, Santa visits, Easter egg hunt, and 4th of July.
Next meeting at Keith Mathews home on March 24th at 6:00pm. April meeting is set for 21st at Pat Carlini’s home.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - September 2019
Cambridge HOA Board of Directors Meeting Date: September 11, 2019
Location: Home of Stephanie McAllister
Present: Stephanie McAllister, Marvin Brown, Dana Stout, Nick Weybright, and Wade Etheredge.
Dana Stout-KMC Update
Kirkpatrick is continuing to press the issue of yard lights. Those who have not installed or corrected the issue will continue to be pursued until the lights are brought up to code.
Several homes who have not installed lamp posts are being forwarded on to legal this month.
It has been determined by our legal counsel that no exceptions can be made for yard lights in the neighborhood.
Kirkpatrick moved compliance drive throughs to Tuesday.
Landscaping Update
PJE has trimmed the trees on either side of the Springstone bridge.
Miscellaneous Updates
Santa visits will be capped at the first 50 people to sign-up and pay. Will be using Venmo to pay this year. Prices will be raised to $30.00. This is the first increase ever. This will help mitigate the rising cost of Santa and the Carriage. We hope to complete the visits in 3 hours this year.
General Meeting is scheduled for November 19th @7:00pm at the Yacht Club. Our next meeting is October 28th, 6:00pm at Nick Weybright’s home.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - May 2019
Cambridge HOA Board of Directors Meeting Date: May 29, 2019
Location: Home of Stephanie McAllister
Present: Stephanie McAllister, Marvin Brown, Dana Stout, Nick Weybright, and Keith Mathews, Pat Carlini, Wade Etheredge.
Financial Update
After concerns the amounts paid to PJE for snow removal were incorrect. Dana verified funds spent on snow removal for 2018/2019 season, everything was correct. We will be keeping a close eye on the amounts being charged the following season as they come in as opposed to at the end of the season.
Dana Stout-KMC Update
Kirkpatrick is continuing to press the issue of yard lights. Several homes who did not have lights or the lights were not functioning have remedied the problems however, those who have not will continue to be pursued until the lights are brought up to code.
We are bumping up the number of days trash is removed from the park trash cans to two days a week for the summer season.
Kirkpatrick is moving the compliance drive through to Tuesday. This gives everyone ample time to get trash cans pulled in.
Starting June 1st letters will be sent out regarding boat/jet ski trailer removal. Signs for the concert in the park will be ordered along with port a potty.
Mailbox repairs will continue as soon as the weather stabilizes. The rain has prevented the company from being able to straighten the posts.
The Broad decided that any posts found to be rotted out would be replaced using the funds from the mailbox fund.
96th Street Entrance sign will be ready to be installed in 5 weeks. The Directory proof was approved by the Board.
Landscaping Update
PJE removed a tree from behind 13368 Chrisfield Lane.
Requesting the PJE trim the trees along Springstone Waterfront Park. They overhang the sidewalk.
Miscellaneous Updates
Concerts in the park will be held on June 8th at 7:00pm and July 20th at 7:00pm. 4th of July Festivities will be July 29th.
Our next meeting is June 26th at 6:00pm at Pat Carlini-Millers home.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Meeting Minutes Archive
Covenants & Bylaws
- Cambridge Bylaws
- Delinquency Policy
- Fishers Noise Ordinance
- Section 1 Restrictions
- Section 2 Restrictions
- Section 3 & 4 Restrictions
- Section 5 Restrictions
- Section 6 Restrictions
- Section 7 Restrictions
- Section 8 Restrictions
- Section 9 Restrictions
- Section 10 Restrictions
Making Any Home Improvements?
Please be sure to submit the Architectural Review Request Form. Submit to Dan Quigley or fax to 317-594-5717.
Before you submit the review form make sure you review the guidelines also.
Update your directory information
To update your information in the directory, fill out the form found on this page.
Heavy Trash Pick-Up Available
With our Republic trash collection service, each homeowner may utilize one bulk item pick-up per month. To arrange this, simply give Republic a 48-hour notice prior to that week’s trash pick-up by calling 317-917-7300. The service is between 6am-6pm (it may not be picked up at same time as regular pick-up).