Cambridge Meeting Minutes - December 7, 2010
The annual board meeting was called to order at 7:00 at the Indianapolis Yacht Club. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Kara Reibel. Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Chalene Braun, Derek Paquin, Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick), and Mike Johnson (Neighborhood Patrol).
Neighborhood Patrol (Mike Johnson)
Mike presented a yearly breakdown of all neighborhood calls made in Cambridge
In summary, in 2010:
- 105 incidences involving open garage doors
- 45 assist homeowners
- 32 suspicious person/vehicles
- 25 vacation checks
- Good idea to program numbers into cell phones
- 842-8082 –office number
- 445-8734 – north car
- PWP – patrol when possible
- DOC – disorderly conduct
Review and approval of 2009 annual meeting minutes – approved.
Treasurer Report (Kevin Drew, Kirkpatrick)
As of the end of November:
- Cambridge is $4157 over budget. Primary reasons for the overage include snow removal, rubbish removal and new website.
- Reserve account is funded monthly, with $135,497.22 set aside for capital expenditures.
- 2011 budget (see handout) shows an increase of $35 per home. There is $5000 budgeted for bad debt, foreclosures, etc. $8500 for future mailbox maintenance, and $18,000 into reserve acct.
Issue: Golden ridge dock spaces near Chesapeake look terrible and are not being maintained. After the 1st of year, the HOA will let Golden Ridge dock owner residents know that they are responsible for maintaining this dock space. The HOA will encourage them to talk amongst themselves and come to the board with plan of action to maintain. Golden Ridge residents can decide to have the HOA maintain and charge them accordingly for the work. Residents will be given a March 15, 2011 deadline to have a plan of action and to clean up the area. The HOA will also contact the new landscaping company to take a look at this area and to make recommendations for improvements.
Committee Reports
- Architectural Control (Al Morey) – any time you make an exterior home improvement, an architectural review form needs to be completed and submitted. Forms can be found on our website.
- Landscape (Pat Carlini) – In 2011, Ken-Cut will be responsible for flowers and Mike Sloan of MS Lawn Care will be doing grass cutting.
- HOA members will walk the path from the park behind Creekridge to come up with some ideas to improve the area.
- Any suggestions for improvements are welcome.
- Park (Rachel Quade) – This year the HOA made improvements: 3 planting beds, re-mulched the playground, new railroad ties. Question came up regarding tennis courts – a special assessment is needed to do this.
- Social (Rachel Quade) – 4 events per year.
- Easter Egg Hunt
- July 4th Parade/party
- Santa Clause event
- Octoberfest.(only adult only event) – targeted date will be the 1st Saturday in October
- ***Always need volunteers for these events***
- Newsletter (Kara Reibel)
- The newsletter is emailed out quarterly and posted on our website. Any pertinent or emergency information that needs to be sent out will come from Kara and/or the website. If you are not receiving emails from Kara, please let her know. Her contact info is on our website. Please do not be confused by the recent publication that features some Cambridge residents. The HOA is not connected with this group in any way.
- Website (Tammy Wilkerson)
- 506 total number of visitors since launch in May 2010.
- Visitors spend average of 2 minutes 18 seconds on the site which is quite good.
- Visitors view about 4 pages when they visit – most frequently looking at the documents, safety and news pages.
Election of Directors
- Pat Carlini
- Chalene Braun
- Chuck Miller
- Rachel Quade
- Al Morey
- Kara Reibel
- Tammy Wilkerson
Debi Mayer made a motion to elect the board members as is stated in the handouts. Motion seconded by Rachel Quade. Motion passed unanimously.
Open Discussion
- Neighborhoods can request grant money from Fishers (they will match up to $5000).
- Cambridge represents 1/6 of annexed land and more than 1/6 of the taxes they are receiving from annexed areas.
- Idea was brought up to have a foot/bike bridge put in along 96th street.
- Cocktail Cove – Jack Kowal spoke about the Cocktail Cove issue and the Fishers town council. Jack received a commitment from the police chief and the council that they will patrol and ticket in the cove for noise ordinance, lewd behavior, etc. The police will not be patrolling 24/7 but between DNR and Fishers police and the Neighborhood Patrol, they will be able to cover many of the constant issues and are confident that they should be able to resolve most in 2011. As of January 1, Cambridge will be under the Fishers noise ordinance.
Adjournment (8:15)
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - November 10, 2010
The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Al Morey’s home. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Chalene Braun, Ruth Graves, Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick), and Mike Johnson (Neighborhood Patrol).
Board Approvals
- Meeting minutes from October 13, 2010 were approved.
Kevin will place a separate line item in the reserve for mailbox updating and replacement. The following is from the 2/10/10 meeting minutes
- When the mailboxes were first installed, it was decided by the board that the HOA would be responsible for routine maintenance. The need for staining every 3-4 years and replacing boxes every 6-7 was estimated. $20 per home annually is to be set aside in a separate account to cover this maintenance.
- Rachel made a motion that we create a separate line item on the financial statement to reflect $20 for 350 homes ($7000) in 2011 for mailbox maintenance. Chuck made a second motion. Motion was passed unanimously.
Annual Meeting – December 7, 2010
- Please send Derek the information for slides.
- Pat –landscaping
- Ruth – park
- Al – architectural review
- Kara – newsletter
- Tammy – website
- Chalene – social
- Board agreed not to limit the size of the board for 2011.
- Kevin will send out the pre-meeting packet once the budget has been approved via email. Kevin will update landscaping, contingency and reserve numbers and will email final budget to the board for approval. Kevin will also remind people in the packet to email Kara if they are not currently on our email list.
Al made a motion to have Ken-Cut do all landscaping including snow removal and to have MS Landscape do all mowing. Rachel seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Email Kara with any updates for newsletter.
Neighborhood Patrol (Mike Johnson)
It has been quiet in Cambridge. NP drivers are checking regularly on trailers in driveways. So far, nobody has ignored the Fishers ordinance that limits a trailer, boat or otherwise to be in a driveway for up to one week ONLY.
- Kevin sent a list of homes in arrears to Republic to cut off trash removal.
- Cambridge has $18,270.27 in delinquent dues.
- If a home is in a short sale situation, we will put lien on the home. Rachel will follow up with Kevin.
- Kevin will get opinion on the board’s legal ability to put the list of delinquent homeowners on our website and/or at our annual meeting.
- 506 total number of visitors since launch in May 2010.
- Visitors spend average of 2 minutes 35 seconds on the site which is quite good.
- Visitors view about 4 pages when they visit – most frequently looking at the documents, safety and news pages.
- Tammy will have atgeist Cambridge page updated with link to our website
- We will add information regarding the Cambridge facebook page.
- Update safety page to remind homeowners to ensure street lights are working now that it is getting darker earlier.
- Update safety section with latest NP report.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Meeting minutes were submitted by Tammy Wilkerson.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - September 13, 2010
The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Pat Carlini’s home. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Pat Carlini-Miller, Chuck Miller, Ruth Graves, Derek Paquin, Tammy Wilkerson and Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick)
Financials/Neighborhood Dues
- Motion made by Al Morey that if there is a short sale situation, the trash pickup will be automatically stopped. Motion passed unanimously.
- Note to be included in all delinquent letters to homeowners that if a homeowner is delinquent with their HOA dues, trash will be cut off if debt is not paid. Same warning will also go out with annual dues.
Board Approvals
- Meeting minutes from August 26, 2010 were approved.
Social Committee
- Octoberfest party was well attended and well received.
- Santa Claus date is set for December 5, 2010.
Landscape Committee
- Kevin presented the landscape bids to the board. There was interest in pursuing Ken-Cut if the price was more in line with budget. Kevin to discuss specifics surrounding mowing with Ken-Cut. Kevin mentioned dissatisfaction with MS Lawn with regard to lack of follow up communication from MS Lawn and lack of proper equipment.
Park Committee
- Residents have been very pleased with park improvements
Old Business/New Business
- Olio Road fence – Kevin to draft a carefully worded letter to notify homeowners that fence will be removed by a specific date.
- Photos from Octoberfest have been posted to site.
- Q4 Newsletter has been posted.
- Need to post photos of park improvements
- Need to include why there is no turn lane from Olio onto Springstone in next Newsletter and on website.
- Need to post Santa Visit request on line.
Next Meeting
- Wednesday, November 10 at 6:30 at Al Morey’s house.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - August 26, 2010
The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Rachel Quade’s home. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Pat Carlini-Miller, Dave Wyser, Kara Reibel, Chuck Miller, Ruth Graves, Chalene Braun, and Derek Paquin.
Neighborhood Safety/Violations
- Boat Trailer Violation Enforcement. A letter has been sent to a resident (Reinhold) re: trailer on their slab near boat dock. The trailer has been there more than a month. The Board moved to have Neighborhood Patrol/FPD that would respond to our area aware/informed of the violation code immediately. Apparently some officers are complete unawares.
- Dave Wyser made a motion for Kirkpatrick to email a copy of each letter to Rachel Quade that is sent out to a Cambridge resident/property owner, with the exception of mass mailings. The motion passed unanimously.
Board Approval / Review
- Minutes approved from meeting 7/29/2010. Al Morey made a motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion was passed unanimously.
- Financials were NOT approved due to a few discrepancies with billing from Kirkpatrick as well as review of maintenance of common areas. In addition there was some question about efficiency of notification of dues/when due/reminder notices sent by Kirkpatrick.
Social Committee
- Rachel Quade stated that a ‘save the date’ email should be sent out to the current email list. Oct. 9th, 7pm, at the park – there will be a bonfire, brats, buns, pretzels and potato salad paid for by the HOA. Kara Reibel motioned for a budget of $500 for the Octoberfest party and it was proposed unanimously.
Landscape Committee
- The entrance flowers were discussed, again. Only a few residents are content with the current company. Acquiring other bids was discussed. These bids will be presented at the next Board meeting.
Park Committee
- Ruth Graves reported on the irrigation plans that she received quotes on and it was agreed that this expense was not necessary. Ruth is gathering quotes, the next of which will be emailed to the Board for review, for the updating of the mulch (which approval was given Unanimously by the Board for that expenditure – motion proposed by Al Morey) as well as new landscaping around the playground to enhance the area. Two new park benches will be purchased to replace the broken ones. Al Morey made a motion to have the park plans approved via email. The motion passed unanimously.
Architectural Review
- Al Morey has a pool plan to review on Water Ridge.
- Kara Reibel will put together the new Newsletter by Labor Day. Chuck Miller indicated that the website needs updating. There is still information on the site regarding the 4th of July parade and Easter Egg Hunt as well as the minutes are not yet current.
Old Business/New Business
- Annual Meeting to be held November 4th, Thursday evening at 7pm at the Yacht Club. Rachel Quade to confirm with the Yacht Club.
Next Meeting
- Tuesday, Sept. 21st.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - July 29, 2010
The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Al Morey’s home. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Dave Wyser, Kara Reibel, Chuck Miller, Ruth Graves, Mike Johnson (Fishers Police Dept/Neighborhood Patrol) and Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick).
Neighborhood Patrol presentation by Mike Johnson
- Boat Trailer Violation Enforcement. The Town of Fishers has in place an ordinance against any trailers in driveways. Mike Johnson will forward to us the details of the fine/removal procedure. Per discussion, Neighborhood Patrol will place a date sticker on trailers in driveways. If the trailer is still in the driveway a few days later, a list of the violators will be sent to the Board for recommendation for further action.
- Rachel Quade to contact Rick Brandau with the Town of Fishers for details.
- After receiving details on how Fishers handles this situation, Board members present at this meeting who were able to hear the full discussion on this issue to vote via email on how to proceed regarding this matter.
- The new program to address trailers that are left out on driveways was addressed. Neighborhood Patrol will contact Kirkpatrick when they notice a trailer that has been left out on a driveway or side yard for more than a week. Kirkpatrick will forward the list of addresses/names to the Board. The Board will give Kevin Drew the go ahead to contact the Town of Fishers regarding the list. The Town of Fishers will then send a notice to the home letting them know that they must remove the trailer or they will be fined. If the homeowner ignores the notices, the Town can then tow away the trailer at the homeowner’s expense. Board members who were present at the meeting voted via email to adopt this plan. The majority of the voting Board members who were present at the meeting voted in favor of adopting this plan.
Board Approval / Review
- Minutes approved from meeting 7/17/2010. Al Morey made a motion for approval. Motion seconded. Motion was passed unanimously.
- Motion was made to approve June 2010 Financials. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Kevin Drew made a few clarifications of items on the financials.
Social Committee
- Rachel Quade mentioned that the Annual 4th of July parade/party was a success.
- Octoberfest party is proposed and set for October 9th in the park. Planning details to be worked out. Ruth Graves will acquire a caterer from the Sailing Club as well as organize bales of hay and wood for the bonfire. It will BYOB and the meal will be with a charge. This will be an adults only event.
Landscape Committee
- The entrance flowers were discussed. Becker Landscaping is purchasing First Class which will take place at the end of the calendar year. Board is generally not happy with the yellow/orange cornstalk flowers at entrances.
Park Committee
- Ruth indicated that the weeds at the playground need to be dealt with as well as new mulch for the playground. There is a proposal for some new landscaping around the park and this would be the start of the transition. Kevin Drew indicated that we had the funds to allocate toward mulch. There will be a spraying of the weeds in the area and a sign placed at the time of the spray to deter from playing on the grounds during that time. Irrigation for the park grounds proposal is being quoted.
Architectural Review
- Al Morey mentioned that he will warn the Pritchard’s about the 20ft rule for their proposed outdoor living space under construction.
- Kara Reibel commented that the website looks great and that Tammy Wilkerson has done a wonderful job in working with our new webmaster to get it up and running. Chuck Miller indicated that the website needs updating. There is still information on the site regarding the 4th of July parade as well as the minutes are not yet current.
- Kara Reibel is waiting for more information before sending out the next newsletter, which would include information regarding the trailers in driveways as well as (most importantly) the Octoberfest party.
Old Business/New Business
- Trash removal service for 10415 Athalene Lane. Trash will be picked up on 7/30/2010 one time and will not resume until the owner of the property has worked out payment arrangements with the collections agency that is on the case.
- Covenant violations reviewed. The Violations report is dominated by boat trailer violations. The repeat offenders will receive additional letters – and once we confirm the fines associated with the Town of Fishers, the habitual offenders will have their trailers towed.
- Annual Meeting to be held in October. Rachel Quade to confirm with the Yacht Club on dates available.
- Open Discussion. Dave Wyser agreed to temporarily assume responsibility of the duties of Treasurer until the Annual Meeting whereas a new Treasurer will be voted on the Board.
Next Meeting
- August 19th, 6:30pm. Dave Wyser’s home.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - April 22, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Al Morey’s home. Board members in attendance were Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick Management), Chuck Miller, Dave Wyser, Mike Princell, and Tammy Wilkerson.
Motion was made to approve the March meeting minutes. Motion was seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
March 2010 Financials
- 2nd letter has been sent to residents that are past due on association dues. The 10 day demand letter, will be sent soon. Letter notifying residents that trash removal will be stopped if dues are not paid will also be sent. The first letter, which gave 30 day notice, was sent on February 4, 2010. As of today, there is a remaining $16,000 in past dues but this includes legal fees and court costs. Trash will be cut off of residents that owe $390 and above. (19 residents in total).
Social Committee
- July 4th parade will be Friday, June 25, 2010. Website will be updated.
Landscape Committee
- All entrances look nice.
Park Committee
- List of priorities include: fix safety, expand park to sidewalk, add mulch, add hardscape, and if there is money remaining, buy benches, and then add toddler toys. Mike Sloan could buy materials at wholesale. Hank VanLuneberg created drawing of park plans.
- More trash receptacles are needed at park.
Neighborhood Patrol
- Kevin will invite them to come to next meeting.
Architectural Review Committee
- Can add to covenants. Change rules to clear up gray areas.
- Signs to be made notifying residents of new site.
- Website to go live by the end of the weekend.
Mike Princell made a motion that in 2011 association dues are billed one time. The letter will go out in December and are to be paid in full January 2011. Motion was seconded by Dave Wyser. Motion passed unanimously.
Signs are to be made to remind residents in mid June of second installment of HOA dues. Also place signs at June 25 4th of July party.
New Business
- Marina LTD sign.
- Kevin to send sign to Marina that the sign needs to be removed. It is without approval and they have not received consent.
- Contact Bo Demir (317) – Banners Plus – 989-4211 for signs estimate.
- Tim Paul – Kevin to send a letter regarding boat removal.
- Kevin to send a letter to lot next to Mike Princell asking owners to clean up lot or build.
- Rachel to speak with Chalene Braun regarding covenant violations. Rachel to follow up with board following discussion with Chalene.
- Kevin to send Cowburns a letter requesting clean up on the items on yard and in driveway. This has been a constant issue.
- N2 publishing is seeking to produce a magazine for our neighborhood. Check out for additional information. There would be no cost to HOA.
Old Business
- IMI property development
Next meeting is Wednesday May 19, 2010 at Ruth’s house at 6:30.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - March 25, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Pat Carlini’s home. Board members in attendance were Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick Management), Chuck Miller, Mike Princell, Dave Wyser, Chalene Braun, Mike Princell, Derek Paquin, Kara Reibel, Tammy Wilkerson and Pat Carlini.
Motion was made to approve the February meeting minutes. Motion was seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Easter Egg Hunt
Pat’s daughter will be the bunny. Pat will ask Kara for the costume.
9:00 am – Those who can help out will meet at the park to set up.
Landscape Committee
Since the pansies are already included in the price, please have them planted as soon as possible.
Cameras at Entrance
Invite Derek Cowburn to attend a meeting to discuss his ideas and cost/benefit analysis.
Logs in Park
Kevin will respond to Dawn Zimmerman’s complaint about remaining logs in the park. The park is a community place that benefits when we all take part in maintaining its upkeep.
Neighborhood Patrol
See handout from Kevin. The comparison with overall Fishers calls is very helpful.
Architectural Review Committee.
There is nothing new to report.
Website Proposal
See handout from Kevin.
Kara Reibel made the motion to approve funds be used to create new website. Chuck Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. will be our new site.
Thomas Letter
See Thomas letter requesting dismissal of $700. Maintenance of the fence will be out of homeowner pockets. Kevin will have resident sign a letter similar to Sandburgs stating that an easement will not be created.
Fishers HOA Meeting
- Rachel Quade and Al Morey attended the Fishers HOA meeting where they were able to discuss the upcoming Olio Road widening project. Fishers seemed to agree that it could be possible for Cambridge to receive money to help reduce the impact of this project. Dave Wyser made a motion to solicit bid cost for the cost of planting additional trees, grasses and other landscape to fill in gaps and remove the fence (except Thomas fence). Motion was seconded by Kara Reibel. All in favor except Al Morey and Chuck Miller.
- Kevin will solicit bid. In addition, bid should include any possible discounts for residents to purchase additional trees. It was recommended that a certified letter be sent to affected residents enabling them to purchase additional trees at discounted cost once bids are received.
- Fishers HOA meetings are every quarter. The next meeting will take place June 28th at 6:30 pm at the Fishers Town Hall. Set up well.
Changing Covenants
Kevin Drew, Rachel Quade and Al Morey met with Steve Buschman to discuss process to amend our covenants. The Cambridge covenants cannot be amended until 2081 without 100% approval per section. See handout for recommended verbage. It was recommended that we put this in letter that goes out in the beginning of the summer reminding residents of dues. Kevin suggested having proxies remain valid until the end of year. Motion was made to give Kevin approval to send information to homeowners. Motion seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Neighborhood Speeding
Due to a recent near accident with a child, there will be an increase in patrols of side streets in Cambridge. The non emergency phone number for the Fishers Police is 317-773-1282.
IMI Property Plans
Marina Lld is due to take over IMI plant in 2015. At that point in time, Marina Lld is proposing two 7-story condominium towers and retail space be developed. In the next few months, Marina Ltd will be going in front of the planning commission and BZA. Canal place, Ashford Point and Cambridge will be meeting to have plan of attack in urging the developers to consider an alternative to the condominium towers. There was a suggestion to include the Valleys at Geist and to have Buschman included in one meeting. Rachel will find out within a few weeks when the BZA and planning commission meetings will take place. There are numerous reasons why the planned development will have a negative impact on the Cambridge community.
Kevin will replace the no trespassing sign near the gazebo
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - February 10, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Al Morey’s home. Board members in attendance were Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick Management), Chuck Miller, Mike Princell, Tammy Wilkerson and Pat Carlini. Also in attendance were members of Neighborhood Patrol. Brent McFarren, Mike Johnson, and Jim Cleek.
Neighborhood Patrol
Majority of run calls were due to open garage doors. The North car is responsible for covering Cambridge. The board discussed the possibility of requesting an extra car at night during certain months.
Cambridge will hold a Neighborhood Crime watch meeting in mid to late April. Date TBD.
We will invite Neighborhood Patrol to attend our monthly meetings. NP will be placed first on the agenda.
We need to encourage residents not to be afraid to call for suspicious activity.
At our annual Easter egg hunt (March 27th) we will have neighborhood patrol present to interact with neighbors and discuss their role in addition to the upcoming neighborhood crime watch meeting.
We will add list of items that we have all called neighborhood patrol for to encourage neighbors to call for items that may not think are serious enough to warrant a call.
Meeting Minutes
Rachel Quade made a motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes. Al Morey made a second motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Social Committee
Pat will follow up with Scotty’s bar owner to see about hosting a Cambridge event the last Friday in February. We would be willing to purchase $250 worth of food.
Pat to check out double sided signs for less than $55.00.
Park Committee
Pavilion material costs $7000-$9,000. This amount does not include labor etc. The committee is looking into how much it would cost to have someone build it. In addition, they are also checking on concrete slab pricing. Pricing will be provided at next month’s meeting.
Rachel called Fishers regarding the grants to see if we would be eligible to submit a proposal. Yes, we can submit, but acceptance is not guaranteed.
The Fishers meeting of HOA members is scheduled for March 26th. Rachel is planning to attend at 6:30 at the Fishers Town Hall. Rachel will send an email to confirm and provide specifics details. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Architectural Review Committee
Refer to handout
Kevin to send an email to Canal Place and Cambridge to gather interest in protesting proposed condos to be built near 116th street marina.
If there is a disagreement among ACC members regarding requests, the request should be brought to the board for final approval. The board’s decision will be final.
Kevin will set up meeting with Buschman at Kirkpatrick’s office. Kevin to provide him with Al’s list and our covenants so that he is prepared to discuss revising our document.
Kevin to look into what we need to do legally in order to get covenants changed.
Sandberg Update
Kevin received an email from Buschman notifying the board that he was in possession of a PDF of the signed document.
Snow removal
Motion was made that the board does not pay to removal snow from public sidewalks. There was a second motion. Motion passed unanimously.
When the mailboxes were first installed, it was decided by the board that the HOA would be responsible for routine maintenance. The need for staining every 3-4 years and replacing boxes every 6-7 was estimated. $20 per home annually is to be set aside in a separate account to cover this maintenance.
Rachel made a motion that we create a separate line item on the financial statement to reflect $20 for 350 homes ($7000) in 2011 for mailbox maintenance. Chuck made a second motion. Motion was passed unanimously.
Tammy to follow up with Justin Harter (225-8169) to discuss revamping the Camrbidge website. Justin is currently estimating a cost of $750. Tammy will provide him with content ideas and layout and get a better understanding of what the $750 will cover.
Monthly meetings will be moved to the third Thursday of the month.
The next meeting will be March 18 – to be held at Kara Reibel’s home
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Cambridge Meeting Minutes - January 31 2010
Budget Update
Budget is running at a slight deficit (due to snow removal etc). Our checking account will be utilized to cover the difference.
Dave Wyser made a motion that a letter be sent to the Sandburgs (lot 105) informing them that weather permitting the HOA will be removing any landscape that is on the Cambridge common property. The Sandburg’s will be responsible for all costs associated with the removal. This action is due to the HOA not receiving the signed letter that originated in the summer 2009. Motion was seconded by Rachel Quade. Motion passed unanimously.
In the spring we will assess which mailboxes need to be maintained and paid for by HOA funds.
Committee Reports
Email/Quarterly Newsletter (Rachel Quade)
Include ideas to help deter car thefts in neighborhood.
Include that residents should shovel their sidewalks when it snows.
Neighborhood Patrol (Rachel Quade)
Invite Brent to next meeting.
Architectural Review Committee (Al Morey)
Committee will meet to discuss changes to bylaws. Topics are to include fines for covenant violations.
Landscape Committee (Pat Carlini)
Kirkpatrick will remove Christmas decorations at entrances and store them.
Kevin will find out how much First Class will charge to shovel side walk at the park.
Social Committee (Rachel Quade)
Winter adult focused, the Cambridge Cocktail Social, will take place the last Friday of January, February, and March. The first event will take place January 29th at 7:00 at BerTee’s.
Kevin will have signs made for these events.
Rachel made motion to vote to amend bylaws to include 11 members on the board for 2010. Motion seconded by Al Morey. Majority voted yes. One nay.
Meetings will take place the second Wednesday of each month. Motion made to keep board positions the same. Dave Wyser will become Vice President, replacing Greg Pappagiannis who is no longer on the board.
Next meeting will be at Al Morey’s house at 6:30 on Wednesday, February 10th.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00.