2011 Cambridge HOA Meeting Minutes

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - November 29, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 at the Al Morey’s house. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Pat Carlini, Kara Reibel, Chalene Braun, Dave Wyser, Chris Nevogt, and Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick)

Review and Approval of 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes

          • The board approved the minutes to be uploaded to the website.

The board has decided to streamline communications with our vendors:

          • President – Kirkpatrick contact
          • Vice President – oversee all of social. VP will need to find people to run events
          • Secretary – communications director, website, directory
          • Treasurer – anything money related
          • Landscape – Ken Branum (snow, salt, flowers, park, holiday lighting/decorating)
          • Welcome Wagon – Christine Nevogt
          • ACC – Al Morey
          • HOA Subcommittee liaison (docks, etc) –
          • Neighborhood Patrol Contact – Al Morey


          • 2 ideas: (1) similar to past (stapled via Sharp printing and funded by advertisements) or (2) regular stapled copy and mailed out. Beginning of 2012, we will begin to work on the directory.


          • Lights will be done within the next few days.

Cambridge 2012 Election of Officers

President – Al Morey
Vice President – Rachel Quade
Secretary – Kara Reibel
Treasurer – Chuck Miller

Landscape – Pat Carlini and Chalene Braun
Welcome Wagon – Christine Nevogt

Treasurer’s Report (Chuck Miller)

          • Delinquencies
            • 9 homeowners are delinquent in their association dues.
            • 8 homeowners are more than $1000 delinquent.
            • 2 homeowners have payment plans and their payments have been received this month.
          • Chuck suggested that in the minutes each month, we list the cash on hand at the bank, amount in the reserves amount, and how many residents are delinquent.
            • Cash at bank: $80,264.26
            • Replacement reserve general: $121,343.62
            • Mailbox reserve: $35,080.00
            • Total Reserve: $156,423.62
            • Total Outstanding: $18,431.45 (9 homeowners)

Kirkpatrick Report (Dan Quigley)

          • Banners Plus provided 6 Oktoberfest signs and 6 annual meeting signs for $95.94. The board has been very pleased with Banners Plus.
          • Violations
            • Fence violation on Water Ridge. Dan will write something up and pass it on to Al to review.
          • Republic to meet with Kirkpatrick and board members on December 5th to discuss policy regarding trash pickup for homeowners who are delinquent on their dues

Delinquency Policy Update

          • Kara made motion to place revised policy on website. Dave seconded motion. Dan will email final copy to be placed on website.
          • Take a photo of Christmas decorations to be placed on website and with Ken Branam.

Website (Tammy Wilkerson)

Olio Road Fence

Dave Wyser made a motion to amend the board’s previous decision regarding the fence along Olio Road to incorporate that when a fence is in disrepair, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to repair or remove it at their own expense. In the event that the homeowner fails to remove or repair the fence in disrepair, the association will remove it at the homeowner’s expense. Al Morey seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Dave Wyser made a motion that we adopt the new officers that were elected during the meeting. Rachel Quade seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

It was established that next year’s HOA board meetings will continue to be held the last Tuesday of every month.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00. Next meeting will be the last Tuesday in January 2012.

These minutes were submitted by Tammy Wilkerson.

Cambridge Annual Meeting Minutes - November 2011

Please note that these meeting minutes will be officially approved by the neighborhood at the next ANNUAL meeting in November 2012.

The annual meeting was called to order at 7:00 at the Indianapolis Yacht Club. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Pat Carlini, Kara Reibel, Chalene Braun, Joe Winship (Kirkpatrick).

Review and Approval of 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes

Rachel Quade made a motion to approve the 2010 minutes. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report (Chuck Miller)

Cambridge is in excellent financial shape. The neighborhood has $80,264.26 in the bank as of 10/31/11.
The total reserve amount as of 10/31/11 was $156,423.62.
$7294.23 was spent on park improvements in 2011.
8 homeowners have delinquent dues in excess of $1000.

Neighborhood Patrol (NP) Presentation (Mike Johnson)

Things have been fairly quiet in Cambridge. There has been some vandalism around the time of Halloween in Cambridge and other nearby neighborhoods. The most common issues in Cambridge include:
63 Open garage doors
18 Reports of suspicious vehicles or people that Neighborhood Patrol checked out
Vacation checks are still a valuable resource for residents. Vacation checks can be especially helpful for maintenance related issues that can occur when a homeowner is away.
If you see something that looks out of place, PLEASE call NP. A reminder for residents that kids are NOT supposed to be at the park after dark. If you do see kids at the park after dark, please call NP at 842-8082.
The board has also asked NP to simply approach any large groups of kids walking about after dark to see what their plans might be for the evening. NP is acting as a mischief deterrent in these cases.

2012 Budget (Chuck Miller)

Copy of budget was sent to homeowners.
Deb Mayer made a motion to approve the 2012 budget. Michael Welch seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.
It was requested that the Board keep the budget and updated numbers of the Reserve accounts on the website. The Board agreed to the request.

Committee Reports

          • Architectural Control (Al Morey) – If you are considering any exterior changes to your home, please fill out the architectural request form on website. It is important that any changes are in accordance with our covenants and restrictions. The review board has 30 days to provide a response, but the turnaround time is generally much quicker and usually no more than 2 weeks.
          • Landscape (Pat Carlini) – Ken Branam (Cambridge resident) has been doing landscaping this year. Ken will be putting up Christmas lights this year as well. Mike Sloan (Cambridge resident) did a great job with mowing the common lawn areas in the neighborhood this year. There was a discussion regarding the fence/tree line along Olio Road. This area is currently an eye sore. The board will continue discussions regarding this issue. The board will also continue to remind to residents that it is a town ordinance to shovel sidewalks in the winter.
          • Park (Rachel Quade) Ruth Graves did a fantastic job improving our park this year. We have added new landscaping, grills, trashcans, and picnic tables. The board will continue to discuss the idea of putting a pavilion up at the park.
          • Social (Kara Reibel) The board sponsors an annual Easter egg hunt at the park, 4th of July parade and party (the largest family event), Oktoberfest (adults only), and Santa Sleigh Visits. Please contact Kara if you would like to volunteer with helping out at any of these events. They are a ton of fun!
          • Newsletter (Kara Reibel) – If you do not get emails from Kara, please provide her with your contact information. Please see the website for Kara’s contact information.
          • Website (Tammy Wilkerson) – Our website is updated monthly and we average appx. 74 unique visitors each month. Our website is meant to be a resource for residents to find all board meeting minutes, newsletters, covenants and restrictions, safety reports and information, photos, social agenda, contact information and current updates. There was a suggestion to add real estate information to the site as well.

Open Discussion

          • Annual homeowner dues will be collected on a semi annual basis this year. The first installment will be due January 1, 2012 and considered late on January 31, 2012. You can always pay all at once!!!
          • The Board is going to assist in establishing sub-HOAs for dock owners in the 3 common dock areas. Letters will go out to dock owner residents on Chrisfield, Water Ridge and Golden Ridge after January 1, 2012.
          • Cambridge Living newsletter is not associated with the Cambridge Board or Neighborhood.
          • Cocktail Cove – A noise ordinance was passed last year but there was no boat to police it. There was a November 9, 2011 Indianapolis Star article discussing the water in Geist and Morse Reservoir.
          • Rachel will call IMI to express concern over the speed the IMI trucks are traveling down Springstone Road.
          • Kara will send out information to all residents to update the neighborhood directory.
          • The board will continue putting together information for the newly formed welcoming committee for new residents.

Election of Officers

          • Chuck Miller
          • Rachel Quade
          • Tammy Wilkerson
          • Christine Nevogt
          • Al Morey
          • Kara Reibel
          • Pat Carlini
          • Michael Welch

Deb Mayer made a motion to accept all officers as written for the 2012 Cambridge Board of Directors. Michael Welch seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:15.

These minutes were submitted by Tammy Wilkerson

View the supplemental budget and safety documents [PDF]

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - September 27

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Chick Miller’s home. Board members in attendance were: Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick Management), Chuck Miller, Kara Reibel, and Tammy Wilkerson.

Rachel Quade made a motion to approve the August meeting minutes. Motion was seconded by Kara Reibel. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurers report
Chuck Miller reports that we are solvent and the reserve study was reviewed. Chuck miller suggests that we cut back on funding the reserve account by $10,000 or suspend funding it for one year. We place $18,000 per year into reserve. We have plenty of money in the reserve fund for replacement of trees, sidewalk repair, maintenance, etc. The reserve fund for the mailboxes is being reviewed to insure that there is enough money for proper maintenance and mailbox replacement when necessary. The posts should be stained and possibly re-caulked next year, and the box replacement should take place in 2015-2016. Chuck will propose the exact amounts for budgeting. Mailbox replacement will happen at some point soon. Repairs will be taking place soon.

Rachel Quade, Chuck Miller, and Al Morey will meet next week to discuss delinquency report next week on Thursday, October 6th.

Social Committee/Landscaping
Benches and grills will be delivered next week. Ken-Cut will install the additional landscaping this week and will cement the benches and grills. Oktoberfest party to be held on Oct. 8th at the park. Decorations and food details to follow via Rachel Quade and Kara Reibel. Kara will price additional holiday lighting and labor for the holiday decorating, $150 budget for sound system?
Thursday: light set up, extension cords
Friday: hay and pumpkins delivered
Saturday: decorations, flags set up, table cloths, cut outs, (Gloria Mitchell) tables, food: brats(70-80), buns, potato salad, sauerkraut, pretzels mustard and desserts
Pat: brats – boil.
Clean up that night and next day.
Bids: bids for next year will be reviewed and decided upon soon. Dan is to get additional detailed info to explain the quotes and figures as itemized.

Dan Quigley indicated that letters have been sent out to violators. Additional letters will be sent for boat trailers.

Annual Meeting
Sub-HOAs for properties with deeded boat docks will be established and homeowners will be notified of this.
Reminders to be sent for Oktoberfest party and Annual Meeting. Signs will be made for Annual meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 8pm.
Next meeting will be held at 6:30pm at the home of Al Morey on October 25th.

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - August 30, 2011

The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Al Morey’s home. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Pat Carlini, Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick) and Kara Reibel.

Financial Report
Chuck will take a look at the reserve study and bring back an analysis of upcoming needs at the next meeting.
Also at next meeting, the board with vote on whether to have dues paid once or twice a year and whether or not we should reduce the dues amount.
The board will also look at the mailbox fund more closely.
Delinquencies – In order to reduce the amount of time spent on the delinquency report, Chuck and one other person will go through this report and bring important issues to the group.

Ken – Cut Proposal – Dave Wyser made a motion to accept Ken-Cut’s proposal. Rachel Quade seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Dan will look into purchasing 2 garbage cans and 2 picnic tables. Kara will forward quote for benches to Dan.

Boat Dock Issues
Chesapeake (Boat docks for Golden Ridge residents). Dan to make sure invoice from Ken Cut work was sent out to Golden Ridge residents.
We need 3 subset HOAs for each of dock areas Chesapeake (Golden Ridge residents), Water Ridge, and Chrisfield. In letter for the annual meeting, each dock area should have at least one representative at the annual meeting to form subset HOAs.

Chrisfield residents are working on their own plan to fix their dock area and they would like Kirkpatrick to assist in the collection of getting the work done. Chesapeake (Golden Ridge) work has been done but needs to be maintained. Dan will make sure Mike Sloan is cutting this grass. If this work is not included in Mike’s original work, Mike will be asked to charge HOA for this work.

Social Committee
Oktoberfest – October 8, 7:00 at park.
New grills will need to be in by the party.
Signs need to be made for Oktoberfest. Dan will contact Bo Demir at Banners Plus 989-4211 to have the signs made.
Kirkpatrick will purchase 8 bales of hay, 8 mums and 4 pumpkins at Tuttles and will drop the pumpkins and mums off at Rachel’s house and the hay bales at the park.

Kara to organize the Santa visit.

Dan will update the board with any violations he notices in the neighborhood.

New Business:
Chuck brought up the idea of creating “Welcome baskets” for new residents. Everyone thought this was a great idea.

Next meeting will be September 27th at 6:30 – possibly at Chuck’s house
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Meeting minutes were submitted by Tammy Wilkerson.

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - June 28, 2011

The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Al Morey’s home. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick) and Ken Branam (guest).

Kara to send May meeting minutes to board members for approval.

Ken Branam – All flower beds have been expanded and everything has been seeded along Olio Road. Regarding the new tables and grills to be purchased, Ken will paint out the suggested placement of new equipment.

Chesapeake Drive and Gazebo Common Areas:
From the knee wall to the water, Ken will cut and rake weeds and scrub. Once areas are cleared out, Ken can spray to enable grass to grow where current weeds are located. Cost is estimated to be $1500 to $2000 total for both locations. Rachel Quade made a motion to approve necessary money for Ken to clean up the 2 common areas along Chesapeake Drive and Gazebo. Chuck Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Chesapeake Homeowners Letter:
Kevin will draft a letter to homeowners along Chesapeake to let them understand that HOA will clear cut weeds and then begin to spray weeds and keep them under control. HOA will maintain these areas. Any landscape put in above and beyond what Ken Cut clears and maintains will need to be maintained by homeowners.

Sink Holes at Park:
Rachel Quade made a motion to approve Ken’s estimate to fill sink holes in park to get it prepped for the new mulch beds. Al Morey seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Scrub Trees along Olio Road:
Rachel Quade made a motion for Ken to remove scrub trees along Olio Road. Chuck Miller seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Trashcans at Park
Rachel Quade made a motion to purchase 2 more trash cans for park area. Chuck Miller seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Financial Report

Chuck Miller made motion to approve financials. Rachel Quade seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Al Morey will meet with AAA mailboxes to determine a maintenance plan.

Kevin will speak with lawyer regarding recent Fisher home closings. How can the homes close when we have liens on the properties?

Committee Reports:

Social Committee
July 4th Party
Chuck will pick up drinks and ice – 10 cases of drinks. 4 diet coke, 3 sprite, 3 regular coke, about 100 bottles of water and 8 big bags of ice.
Rachel will order pizzas.
Dave spoke with music people.
Al will purchase 5 $25 visa gift certificates.
Republic is donating 10 sixty gallon cardboard cans and liners. Kevin will drop them off at gazebo. Kevin will also place a work order to have the trash picked up Saturday.

Park benches have been ordered.

Architectural Review Committee
No new updates.

No new updates

New Business
13029 Fairfax Ct Beehive and Fence – the board has decided to drop this issue and take no further action.

Next meeting will be July 26th at 6:30.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Meeting minutes were submitted by Tammy Wilkerson.

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - April 12, 2011

The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Al Morey’s home. Board member attendees included: Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Ruth Graves, Dave Wyser, Kara Reibel, Tammy Wilkerson, Pat Miller and Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick).

Approval of Minutes

          • Rachel Quade made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Al Morey seconded the motion. The motion approved unanimously.

Park Committee (Ruth Graves)

          • Ruth presented ideas on enhancements for the park. Kevin will confirm expenditure to date and email this to the Board.
          • Items presented were: more seating, a grill, additional trash can, tether ball, small play items for younger children, a nautical theme would be explored (per suggestion of Rachel Quade).
          • Proposal and costs will be emailed to the Board.

This was tabled until next meeting due to absence of Chuck Miller, Treasurer.

          • Snow removal is under budget thus far for 2011.

Social committee

          • Easter Egg hunt is quickly approaching. o Kara will create an email flier to be sent out and placed on the website.
          • Ruth, Kara and Pat’s homes are to be used for egg drop off locations o Kevin Drew is creating 3 signs ASAP to be posted around the neighborhood.

Landscape Committee

          • Pat Miller discussed the new flowers planted in the beds, as well as new mulch to be spread along the common areas. Pat will email mulch options for Olio Rd trees and landscaping. Pat will also communicate with Ken-Cut to make emphasize the fullness of the impatients to be planted for the summer. Ideally these will resemble the flower beds in front of their home last summer. In addition, there are 2 trees that Ken-Cut recommends be taken down along Olio. There are white ribbons around them. The Board will get a visual on this and make a decision on their removal.
          • Kevin Drew distributed the maps of the dock owners property as well as the common area south of this property. The HOA will maintain the area south of the property for Golden Ridge dock owners.

Neighborhood Patrol
Action Items:

          • Report was reviewed.

Architectural Review Committee
Nothing new to report

Cambridge Newsletter/Website

          • Kara will create a new newsletter to be sent out/posted on website at the end of April after the Easter Egg hunt. This will include information on the Geist Half Marathon, garage sale date as well as thanking the volunteers for the Easter Egg hunt.
          • Tammy Wilkerson indicated that the website had received 72 hits so far this month.

New business

          • Sidewalk maintenance along park Al Morey has gotten two quotes for the removal/replacement of the 320ft of sidewalk in front of the park. Kevin Drew is to contact the Town of Fishers to request their participation in this improvement.
          • Kevin Drew to contact AAA Mailbox to replace and put in approved mailboxes for the (2) Fischer Homes in the new section of the neighborhood.

The next HOA Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24th at the home of Rachel Quade. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - February 22, 2011

The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 at the Indianapolis Yacht Club home. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Kara Reibel, Pat Carlini, Dave Wyser, Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick), Mike Johnson (Neighborhood Patrol). Guests included Kim Morey, Adam Gilliatte and Troy Miller, an attorney from Bose, McKinney and Evans.

Board Review/Approval:

          • Approval of January 25, 2011 meeting minutes. Rachel made a motion to approve. Kara seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
          • Approval of December 2010 and January 2011 financials. Chuck made a motion to approve the financials. Rachel seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
          • The board has been very pleased with Ken-Cut’s snow removal. In addition, many neighbors have also expressed gratitude. This year, the roads have been not only been VERY well maintained, but the snow removal and salting has also been very timely.
          • In terms of homeowners who are delinquent with their annual dues, there are no exceptions to the rule that delinquent homeowners receive a late fee and will have their trash pick up stopped until they become current.

Committee Reports:

          • Social –Easter Egg Hunt is April 23. Pat, Ruth and Kara will be drop off locations.
          • Park – The board has agreed to use a portion of the money that was set aside to be used for park improvements this year for a tree for Stephen Graves. The neighborhood book club members have also said that they would like to fund a bench to sit alongside this dedicated tree.
          • Architectural Review – 1 has been approved and ready to be picked up. Al has a second one that he is working on. It was recommended that when requests come in to the committee that the committee takes a look at the status of the HOA dues. If the homeowner is not current, there should be a reminder given to the homeowner.
          • Newsletter/Website – Kara will resend if necessary and will add curfew times to spring newsletter. Tammy will add “if your trash isn’t being been picked up, you might want to check to see if you are current on your dues” to the website.

Resident Issue:
Adam Gilliatte attended the meeting to express concern that his rights are being violated and would like to address them with the board. Mr. Gilliatte asked that the board to compassionately look at we are doing as a board as a neighborhood. Specifically, Mr. Gilliatte had 3 main issues.

          1. Mr. Gilliatte, who owns a waterfront property, stated that the reservoir was everyone’s to enjoy and that everyone should have the right to use it. Mr. Gilliatte believes that his neighbor, Mr. Morey, is creating a nuisance and devaluing Mr. Gilliatte’s property due to the fact that Mr. Morey’s bubbler is keeping ice from forming on the water behind Mr. Gillatte’s property. Mr. Gilliatte’s son was not able to learn to ice skate and play hockey this winter on the ice behind his home. Mr. Gillliatte believed that the bubbler was deliberately aimed at his property and asked Mr. Morey to turn the bubbler off. Mr. Morey explained that his bubbler is not aimed at Mr. Gilliatte’s home, and that due to the ice, the bubbler could not be moved and stated that nothing was done deliberately. As the ice is now hopefully done for the winter, Mr. Morey will readjust the bubbler next winter so that the ice can hopefully freeze properly. Dave Wyser questioned whether this is a HOA issue or a legal issue. Rachel Quade questioned if there is something in the covenants that makes this an HOA issue. As there was nothing stated in the covenants this issue remains a neighbor to neighbor issue and is hopefully resolved for next winter.
          2. Mr. Gilliate’s second issue with the Morey’s centered around the belief the fact that Mr. Gillatte feels that there is an inappropriate dog kennel on the Morey property. Mr. Gilliatte provided photos of his concern. The photos documented the Morey’s fence, mulch, and dog feces. As there was no covenant violation at this time, the issue was dropped until a specific covenant violation can be found.
          3. Mr. Gilliatte’s third issue was to understand why the Fishers Police Department arrived at his door to discuss a neighborly dispute rather than Neighborhood Patrol (NP). Mike Johnson, from Neighborhood Patrol, addressed this directly, stating that NP tries not to get in the middle of neighborly issues. In this specific issue, there was a conflict and a threat and therefore NP recommended that the neighbor call the local police department. It was pointed out that just because Cambridge supplements the local police with NP, the police will still treat the issue the same. NP is a vendor and can/will provide different services than the local police. A threat is something that could be a police matter. Police mediate and also provide non-law enforcement services. Based upon NP’s experience, issues involving conflict and threats can blow up into much larger legal issues.

Both Mr. Morey and Mr. Gilliatte agreed that it would be best to put these issues behind them and move forward.

Neighborhood Patrol
Mike Johnson (Neighborhood Patrol) – Everything has been relatively quiet. There were some open garage doors, a speeding vehicle, and a mailbox down on Rocky Point. It was brought up that the school buses are speeding. Mike Johnson will call Jim White to address this further.

Old Business

          • Dock owners – maintenance proposal for land between street and reservoir. Ken-Cut put a proposal together and gave it to a homeowner. Homeowner gave Rachel a few of the proposals that they received. Board will revisit this issue in the May time frame.

New Business

          • Letter from Postal Service regarding name change from McCordsville to Fishers. The pros and cons were discussed. It was news to most board members that resident insurance rates will go up if changed to Fishers.
          • Update on Olio Road – Chuck visited the Hamilton County Highway Department. Nothing concrete will be done on Olio Road for over a year. From 96th street to Springstone, the new lanes will be to the west. After Springstone, the new lanes will be to east. Currently, there are no plans for a traffic light coming out of Canal Place. The Department recommended the board send a to the county highway engineer asking for appropriate guarding to be put in so that the turn lane can be used. Chuck will draft a letter and sent to the board.

Next meeting will be March 29 at 6:30 at Al Morey’s.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00.
These minutes were submitted by Tammy Wilkerson

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - January 25, 2011

The board meeting was called to order at 6:30 at Kara Reibel’s home. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Kara Reibel, Pat Carlini, and Kevin Drew (Kirkpatrick).

Jim Martin, N2 Publishing
Publishes neighborhood focused magazines of upscale neighborhoods (6 current neighborhoods) featuring residents and surrounding businesses. Jim is currently publishing a magazine featuring Cambridge. While this publication is not affiliated with the HOA, Jim is interested in working with residents to feature Cambridge families and businesses. The N2 Cambridge newsletter is published monthly and is supported by advertising.

Snow Removal
Ken Branam, Ken-Cut
In addition to Ken-Cut plowing neighborhood, as of January 3, 2011 the Town of Fishers is also plowing Cambridge streets. Cambridge is considered a 3rd priority location as of January 3. Fishers will guarantees our streets are plowed within 3 days.

Ken-Cut is has received a few calls regarding property damage being caused by Fishers. Ken-Cut’s policy is that if damage is done during the day, the drivers are instructed to go to the door to inform resident and also to report to Ken immediately. If damage occurs during the night, the driver informs Ken. In the morning, Ken’s office manager calls the resident to inform them of the damage and offer a solution. There are currently 2 residents that Ken is requesting assistance from the HOA with the Town of Fishers.

If Ken-Cut feels that they are mistakenly blamed for damage, they should ask the resident to call Kevin at Kirkpatrick. Kevin will then follow up with Fishers to see if their crews were in the neighborhood on the date the incident took place, or Kevin can have the resident call the Town of Fishers directly if he already knows Fishers was plowing the day the incident occurred

Snow Removal Update
Cost is $1200 per “push”. Currently Cambridge has had 6 total pushes.
Salt (for all areas) is $170 per time.

One homeowner has requested for the HOA to shovel common area sidewalks. HOA has recommended residents seek out students in need of service hours to do for credit. As always, residents are encouraged to shovel their own sidewalks. Another reminder will be placed in the upcoming newsletter and posted on the website.

Meeting Minute Approval
Rachel made a motion to approve the November 2010 meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
Kara made a motion to tentatively approval the December 2010 annual meeting minutes. Minutes will be placed on the website. Official approval of meeting minutes will be obtained at the 2011 annual meeting.

Board Member Positions
President – Rachel Quade
Vice President – Al Morey
Secretary –Tammy Wilkerson
Treasurer – Chuck Miller

Delinquency Policy
The delinquency Policy is in place to cover the board in terms of the steps necessary to collect dues. Chuck made a motion to approve the delinquency policy that Kevin presented.

Complaints have been made regarding the switch to a single annual HOA dues bill. After much discussion, the board decided they needed to leave the single payment system intact, but they will move the due date farther away from the holidays. Residents will get a bill next january to cover dues for a 2 or 3month period with a note explaining that the annual dues will be due in March or Apri.l Al made a motion for Kevin to talk with Bushmann to change the date of our fiscal year. This motion was tabled until the next meeting.

Social Committee

          • April 23 – Easter egg hunt
          • Neighborhood Garage sale – June 4th
          • July 1st – 4th of July parade and party
          • Octoberfest – 1st Saturday of October unless date conflicts with HSE school calendar.

Landscaping – Kevin to speak with Brickman to remove cabbage etc from entrances,
Park – HOA will dedicate one of the new trees to Stephen Graves.
ARC – one request was approved

Dock Owners
Dock Owners have been encouraged to form a sub association so that will be more responsible about maintaining safety and appearance of docks and surrounding common area. Al offered to meet with Kevin and Annette Doherty if there is interest to help facilitate. The “sub association” can hire Kirkpatrick to collect dues, etc. if necessary.

Open Discussion

          • Kevin to send letters to residents who continue to have boat trailers in their yard or driveway. Kevin will notify resident offenders that Fishers has been notified and they have the ability to fine and/or remove trailers.
          • Kevin will work with Republic to ensure they are only picking up trash from the homes that are current on their HOA dues.

Next meeting will be February 22 at Al’s home.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.
These minutes were submitted by Tammy Wilkerson

Springs of Cambridge

Springs of Cambridge