2012 Cambridge HOA Meeting Minutes

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - November 28, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at the Al Morey’s house. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Chris Nevogt, Pat Carlini-Miller.
Treasure’s Report (Chuck Miller)

Cash in Bank
Replacement Reserve
Total Reserve
Total Cash Assets
September 30, 2012


October 31, 2012


      • 13 residents that have not paid dues in full. All have judgments of some kind on record with Kirkpatrick.
      • As of 11/27 dock delinquencies will be given final notice and filed for judgment if not paid by mid-December.

KMC Group

      • Grounds pick-up – 10/5, 10/8, 10/19, 11/1, 11/12
      • Fixtures at 96th Street entrance cleaned and lights replaced

Basketball Court

      • Stripping done


      • Green touch has submitted bid for entrances
      • Ken-Cut has submitted bid for entrances
      • Bob Kort – getting price to BOD the first week in December (can purchase plants wholesale)
      • The landscape committee will be reviewing all quotes

Christmas Lights

      • Brickman Landscaping is going to fix the timer issue with the 96th Street entrance lights

Town of Fishers

      • Request made to look into streetlight at the corner of Springstone & Chrisfield
      • Sidewalk at 12999 Shoreline turned into Fishers for repair

Social Events

      • Santa Sleigh will be on Sunday Dec 2nd. Chris and Rachel will be Santa’s Elf’s


      • Dock owners meeting was last night (Nov 27th) and it was decided that we should move forward with a minimum of $300 per year assessment. Another letter will go out to dock owners announcing this and giving options to owners who might want to do repairs sooner. Dan is working on the letter and will get the first draft out tomorrow to the board for approval.

Marina Limited

      • Docks are in for section #9 and #10 – 10 more being added to existing
      • Cambridge Cove Way and Geist Cove Way will be private streets
      • Bussell suggested we set up separate reserve fund for private street replacement – the Board doesn’t believe we should take on responsibility for private sections
      • Marina Limited will be installing new street signs in Section 9 & 10


      • 3rd draft will be emailed to board this week from Capture Media
      • Capture Media will be taking new pictures over the weekend for directory
      • Rachel will see what pictures she has and send them to Dan
      • Chuck is going to get with Dan to make sure the Directory is formatted correctly

2012 Annual Meeting

      • November 13th 2012 – 7 @ Yacht Club
      • 2013 Operating and Reserve Budget was approved
      • Slate of Board Members Approved
        • Al Morey
        • Rachel Quade
        • Chuck Miller
        • Christine Nevogt
        • Pat Carlini Miller
        • Michael Welch
        • Kara Reibel
        • Kristin Corbitt
      • Proposed projects for 2013
        • More trees along Olio Rd
        • Better playground equipment

Next meeting will be on January 29th 6:30pm at Al’s house.

Meeting was adjourned 7:20.

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - November 2012

Please note that these meeting minutes will be officially approved by the neighborhood at the next ANNUAL meeting in November 2013.

The annual meeting was called to order at 7:00 at the Indianapolis Yacht Club. Board member attendees included Al Morey, Rachel Quade, Chuck Miller, Christine Nevogt, Michael Welch, Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick).

Neighborhood Patrol (NP) Presentation (Jim Cleek)

      • NP cars drive through Cambridge aprox18 times per day.
      • Things have been fairly quiet in Cambridge. However, reported theft in the area is on the rise. Keep your doors and cars locked. Do not have any valuables in your car.
      • If you see something that looks out of place, PLEASE call NP immediately.
      • Call NP about solicitors RIGHT AWAY so they investigate further.
      • NP speed radar has not been placed out on Springstone lately because it was totaled by a drunk driver (outside of Cambridge). NP is in the process of replacing it.
      • Vacation checks are still a valuable resource for residents. You can call NP or go on their website to register for a vacation check: http://geistpatrol.com/

Review and Approval of 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

      • Rachel Quade made a motion to approve the 2011 minutes. Michael Welch seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report (Chuck Miller)

      • Cambridge is in excellent financial shape. The neighborhood has $77,332.95 in the bank as of 10/31/12.
      • The total reserve amount as of 10/31/12 was $135,042.81.
      • There are no major variances to the 2012 budget.
      • 13 residents have delinquent dues; legal judgments have been filed.
      • An independent financial audit was conducted in Feb 2012; no major findings were noted.
      • Special Assessment of $33,716.00 relates to deeded dock owners for maintaining their respective dock areas.
      • Reserve account expenses:
        • $15,454.00 rip-rap redressing for shoreline in common area by gazebo
        • $20,923.04 mail-box maintenance
      • Reserve Study Funding Plan: conducted January 2009

2013 Budget (Chuck Miller)

      • Copy of budget was sent to homeowners.
      • Al Morey made a motion to approve the 2013 budget. Christine Nevogt seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Committee Reports

      • Architectural Control (Al Morey) – If you are considering any exterior changes to your home, please fill out the architectural request form on website. It is important that any changes are in accordance with our covenants and restrictions. The review board has 30 days to provide a response, but the turnaround time is generally much quicker and usually no more than 2 weeks.
      • Landscape (Rachel Quade) – Ken Branam (Cambridge resident) has been doing landscaping this year. The board is currently looking at plans to improve the entrances and will get multiple bids for this project. The board will also be applying for matching grants from Fishers. A number of residents agreed that improving entrances would be money well spent! There was a discussion regarding the fence/tree line along Olio Road. This area is currently an eye sore. The board will continue discussions regarding this issue.
      • Park (Rachel Quade) No major improvement were done to the park this year. However, the board intends to look into new play equipment in 2013. If you have any other suggestions for the park please contact a board member or Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick).
      • Social (Rachel Quade) The board sponsors an annual Easter egg hunt at the park, 4th of July parade and party (the largest family event) – cancelled this year due to the extreme heat, Oktoberfest (adults only), and Santa Sleigh Visits – free this year due to money not being spent on 4th of July parade. Please contact the board if you would like to volunteer with helping out at any of these events. They are a ton of fun!
      • Newsletter (Christine Nevogt) – If you want to receive the newsletter you can sign up on the Cambridge website. Past newsletters are also posted there.
      • Website (Christine Nevogt) – Our website is meant to be a resource for residents to find all board meeting minutes, newsletters, covenants and restrictions, safety reports and information, photos, social agenda, contact information and current updates. We have discussed improving the site and making it more dynamic for current homeowners however, it seems the majority of visits are from unique visitors so it may not be money well spent.

Open Discussion

      • There was a suggestion to use solar lighting at the entrances.
      • A request was made to install a light post at the bus stop near the corner of Chrisfield & Springstone since it is dark there in the mornings. Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick) is going to request this from Fishers.
      • It was noted that the lights by the gazebo do not always work either. The board will look into this.
      • There seems to be an issue with people shooting BB guns and using ATVs in the park and surrounding wooded areas. Call NP if you notice this activity. A notice will also be posted on the website. It will also be noted that you must be at least 16 years old to drive a golf cart per the IN state law.
      • Neighborhood directories should be going out by the end of 2012!

Election of Board Members

      • Chuck Miller
      • Rachel Quade
      • Kristin Corbitt
      • Christine Nevogt
      • Al Morey
      • Kara Reibel
      • Pat Carlini-Miller
      • Michael Welch

Chuck Miller made a motion to accept all board members as written for the 2013 Cambridge Board of Directors. Michael Welch seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:15.
These minutes were submitted by Christine Nevogt

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - October 23, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at the Al Morey’s house. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Chris Nevogt, Pat Carlini-Miller, Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick).

Treasure’s Report (Chuck Miller)

Cash in Bank
Replacement Reserve
Total Reserve
Total Cash Assets
February 29, 2012


March 31, 2012


      • 13 residents that have not paid dues in full. All have judgments of some kind on record with Kirkpatrick.
      • Dan is going to get the legal verbiage regarding the trash pick-up stopping to Chris who will contact Justin to get it posted on the Cambridge website.

KMC Group

      • The rip-rap & weed control for Water Ridge & Golden Ridge – 9/11/12
      • Edging of sidewalks – 9/11/2012
      • Grounds pick-up – 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/8, 10/19
      • Light bulbs replaced on Northside of Olio entrance
      • Basketball Court – stripping will be done tomorrow


      • Done and paid


      • Ken-Cut came to the meeting with plans for the entrance design and plantings.
      • Misters on their own zone are needed in order to get better flowers planted in the entrances.
      • Ken suggested changing the lighting, expanding some beds, and getting another “Cambridge” on the wall w/out it.
      • Chuck made a motion for Ken-Cut to get quotes for all plans discussed. Chris seconded.
      • The board will be applying for the matching grants from Fishers. The applications are due by March 1.

Christmas Lights

      • Dan showed us a quote from Brickman for $6,920.00 (onetime fee of $4,670 to purchase the materials and then $2,250 per year to put it up, take it down and store)
      • Rachel made a motion to approve the work as quoted by Brickman. Pat seconded the motion.

Violations Letters

      • 2 homes turned over to Bushmann
      • 6 homes with boats/jet skis turned over to Fishers
      • Sidewalk on 12999 turned over to Fishers for repair due it being considered a hazard

Social Events

      • Rachel is going to work with Kara to get Santa reserved and will get a letter to Dan to include in the packet for the annual meeting


      • Al is going to call Deaton tomorrow and get numbers for the docks so we can build out a reserve fund and maintenance schedule to present at the annual meeting
      • Assessments
        • Chrisfield Dock – $6,360 (8 homes)
        • Golden Ridge Dock – $1,777 (3 homes) + $2,842 (Barber)
        • Water Ridge Dock – 2 homes are due b/c of discounted figures due to prior work


Cross referencing with KMC – to printer on Wed.

2013 Budget

Chuck made a motion to keep the budget the same for 2013 so HOA dues will not be increasing. Unanimously seconded.

2012 Annual Meeting

      • November 13th 2012 – 7 @ Yacht Club
      • Dan will include a copy of the budget with the info packet that gets sent out prior to the meeting.
      • Dan is going to get signs posted at the entrances about the meeting

Next meeting will be on Nov 28th at 6:30pm at Al’s house.

Meeting was adjourned 8:25.

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - September25, 2012


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at the Al Morey’s house. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Chris Nevogt, Michael Welch, Pat Carlini-Miller and Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick).

Treasure’s Report (Chuck Miller)

Cash in Bank
Replacement Reserve
Total Reserve
Total Cash Assets
February 29, 2012


March 31, 2012


          • 36 residents that have not paid dues in full.
          • Dan is going to get the legal verbiage regarding the trash pick-up stopping to Chris who will contact Justin to get it posted on the Cambridge website.

KMC Group

          • The rip-rap (done by Ambiance Gardens) is finished at the park and looks great! Weeds were sprayed by Ken-Cut at all of the other docks.
          • The court at the playground will be restriped hopefully before the Oktoberfest.
          • Dan asked if we were interested in adopting a median on Olio. We would consider it so Dan is going to look into it and get more details to the group.
          • As soon as all boats are out of the water, Dan will re-key all doc areas.


          • Should be finished this week.
          • 30+ posts have been straightened, 100+ repaired; replacing broken lost closers, reattaching doors, replacing flags, etc


          • We want a plant list and drawings from Ken-Cut for the 3 annual entrance plantings so we can approve it before anything is planted.


          • Everyone is going to take a look at the park in the couple weeks and we’ll discuss giving it a little TLC at the next meeting.
          • Dan said it was in our recommend budget plans to replace it next year.

Violations Letters

          • 2 homes turned over to Bushmann (playground and trash cans)
          • 4 homes with boats turned over to Fishers

Social Events

          • Oktoberfest
            • Sat. Oct 6th at 7pm
            • Signs are delivered to KMC Friday
            • KMC picking up mums, pumpkins, and hay at Tuttles
            • Dan is going to try get the tubs of lights from Ken-Cut and if he can’t find them Chuck will buy new ones and extension cords
            • On Monday 7pm meet at Pats house to load firewood and then head over to the park to put up lights
            • Pat is going to get 125 brats, buns, condiments, sauerkraut, potato salad, pretzels, paper plates, napkins, plastic utensils
            • Rachel is going to order some cakes (2 carrot and 2 chocolate) and take care of decorations and music
            • Chris is going to work with Kara to get a newsletter created emailed out
            • Trash cans – Republic is donating
            • Clean up – KMC will pick up park 10/8/12


          • Deaton is done with Water Ridge and Golden Ridge docks.
          • Assessments
            • Water Ridge $542 – 12/12 owners have paid
            • Golden Ridge $579 – 20/23
            • Chrisfield Lane $773 – 10/18


          • 187 names turned in
          • Al made the motion to include all info people have given and if they have not turned in an information sheet then just a name and address will go in to the directory. Motion was seconded Michael.

2013 Budget

          • Dan asked if we wanted to consider putting in more fancy street signs. We would be responsible for replacing them in the future then (now the county does it).
          • Dan is going to get quotes for other dock projects (rip rap, decking replacements, etc) and turn it over to Al and Chuck to plan out future options for dock owners

2012 Annual Meeting

          • November 13th 2012 – 7 @ Yacht Club
          • Chuck will reserve the time at the Yacht Club
          • Packet to go out mid October

Next meeting will be on October 23rd 6:30pm at Al’s house.

Meeting was adjourned 8:15.

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - April 24, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at the Al Morey’s house. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Chris Nevogt, Michael Welch and Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick).Treasure’s Report (Chuck Miller)

Cash in Bank
Replacement Reserve
Total Reserve
Total Cash Assets
February 29, 2012


March 31, 2012


          • 21 residents that have not paid 1st half dues. Chuck Miller made a motion that we cut off trash for those who have not paid their 1st half dues by next Wednesday. Dan will send a letter tomorrow letting them know their trash will be stopped next Friday. Rachel Quade seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
          • Tammy will ask Justin to update website with dues due July 1st.

KMC Group

          • The board reviewed the auditor’s report. The board has been doing a good job, although the report mentions the board putting 2 things in place that have already been done. The two items are (1) process for collecting past dues and (2) conducting a reserve study.
          • Directory – Tammy will send FAQs to Dan.
          • Mailbox improvements are 25% done.
          • Dan will send a letter to all dock owners to set up a meeting to discuss dock repair. Dan, Chuck, Al and Rachel will meet next week to compose the letter.
          • Tim Paul – We have received several questions and complaints regarding his boat that is currently on neighborhood property. Our attorneys are looking into the legal options available to resolve the situation.

Social events

          • July 4th Party
            • June 29th at 6:30.
            • Fire truck – Tammy will call Brookschool road firehouse and ask them to be at the corner of Chesapeak and Rocky Point at 6:30 to lead the parade and spray the kids at the end.
            • Tammy will call to confirm the bounce houses and have them picked back up at 9:00.
            • Pizzas – Rachel will order
            • Drinks, ice – Al will purchase
            • Tables – Chuck and Rachel will bring their tables
            • Decorations – Rachel will purchase
            • All members are to show up at 3:00 at gazebo to help set up
            • Bounce houses – we will need to hire 5 kids to run the bounce houses.
            • Music guy – Rachel will call(Tom)
            • Prizes – Christine will purchase 4 $25 gift cards
            • Justin will update website with details
            • Kara will write a newsletter
            • Trash cans – Dan will order from Republic
            • Clean up – all members should plan to stay to help clean up

The board approved the paint purchase for gazebo.

Meeting was adjourned 8:00.

Cambridge Meeting Minutes - January 24, 2012

The annual meeting was called to order at 6:30 at the Al Morey’s house. Board member attendees included Rachel Quade, Al Morey, Chuck Miller, Tammy Wilkerson, Pat Carlini, Chris Nevogt, Michael Welch and Dan Quigley (Kirkpatrick)

Cash in Bank
Replacement Reserve
Total Reserve
Total Cash Assets
January 1, 2011



December 31, 2011


          • 2011 Total income was favorable by $6,762.62
          • 2011 Total expenses were unfavorable by $14,313.26
          • 2012 Dues received in December totaled $34,082.90
          • 6 residents have delinquent dues in excess of $1000

Website (Tammy Wilkerson)

          • Rachel to send Justin photos from Oktoberfest and 4th of July and any other neighborhood related photos.
          • Tammy to make sure correct annual meeting minutes document is uploaded.

KMC (Dan Quigley)

          • Grounds crew comes once a month
          • Bee Camp and Marjac street signs are down and need to be replaced.
          • Violations
            • Tim Paul issue turned over to Fishers Police. Paul will be fined starting in February by FPD.
          • Dan will follow up with Ken-Cut regarding the location of our Christmas decorations.
          • Pat will follow up with Ken-Cut regarding drawings of the entrances.
          • Nine Star will be repairing the electrical wires at entrances.
          • Dan to make sure Ken-Cut plowmen hit Chesapeake and Rocky Pointe.
          • Termination date on Republic contract is 2013 but we need to let them know 60 days in advanced if we would like to terminate. Dan will follow up with us 90 days before deadline to ensure we can make any necessary decisions.

New Business (All)

          • Impoundment Fund – when we were annexed, Fishers stated that a portion of our taxes would spent specifically on the Geist area. This fund determines how the $5 million will be allocated. $2.5 million has already been spoken for. In the immediate future, a path from 96th street entrance to the Geist Bridge will be constructed. Construction will begin April 1 and they hope to have it completed by July 4.
          • A roundabout is scheduled to be constructed at Brook School Road and Fall Creek Rd intersection.
          • Tom Britt will be soliciting ideas for how the money should be spent. There will be 2 meetings to determine how the money will be spent. Some ideas include a toboggan run or sledding hill.
          • Rachel made a motion to have the gazebo painted white this spring. Michael Welch will help paint. The money will come from the Reserve Fund. Estimated cost is less than $500. Christine seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
          • Dan will send a letter to Eska’s regarding trash cans being left out.

Welcome Packet (Christine Nevogt)

          • Tammy to email school and medical info to Christine.
          • Call Marina Limited 845-0270 for boat slips.
          • Christine to update with additional ideas.

Mailbox Refurbishment

          • Dan will get in contact with AAA regarding replacement.


          • Rachel will work on putting the directory together.

Social Events

          • Sat. March 24th will be the easter egg hunt. 11:00
          • June 29th will be the 4th of July parade and party. 6:00
          • Tentatively scheduled for Saturday Oct 6th. At 7:00
          • Santa and his sleigh visit Sunday Dec 2.
          • Possible “Cambridge Evening on the Cove” – Friday night before school starts. (Aug. 17)

Meeting was adjourned 8:00. Next meeting will be Feb 21st at Al’s House.

Springs of Cambridge

Springs of Cambridge